terça-feira, 16 de novembro de 2010

Coming to an end

Thank you if you are reading this. You can leave a comment if you have anything to say.
So, another semester goes by. What to say? New classes, new classmates, new stories. It's sad to know that it don't last much. Next year we are going to separate ways and it won't be like it was this year. And I'll miss it.
Looking foward I have do admit that I'm a little afraid. Not really afraid, but with butterflies in my stomach. I know I have a big choice ahead and this time I need to choose right. Also, I'm really excited about my new plans. Let time show me wich way to go. Kind of put my thoughts in the right directions.
Got to remember that our choices make us. And it all comes back to us.
I still need to learn to don't feel sorry of people when a chance has already been given to them. Another lesson of 'living and learning' for me.
Oh boy, my english is rusty. Gotta practise more.
Have a nice day :)

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